nutrition health benefits pumpkin dogs


When you think of the word ‘pumpkin,’ does it conjure up thoughts of jack-o-lanterns at Halloween or a fantastic pie at Thanksgiving?  Chances are, most of us only ponder pumpkins during the autumn, but if this is true, we (and our pets) are missing out on some great health benefits from this member of the squash family.

Pumpkin contains carotenoids – a variety of antioxidants which permeates cell membranes and protects them. Carotenoids are obtained through diet. One essential component is beta carotene, which transforms into Vitamin A, helping to provide benefits for the eyes, skin, and immune system. Moreover, pumpkins have both essential and non-essential amino acids which aid metabolism as well as healthy muscle and tissue.

There has been scientific research conducted on the health benefits of pumpkin, including properties that could support a more healthy body. More studies are needed and currently being undertaken to assess how pumpkin can aid and support an active, healthy that can enjoy a long life.

Pumpkin has both soluble and insoluble fiber, which aids the digestion.  It contains zinc and magnesium, which helps the immune system. All parts of the pumpkin can be used for medicinal purposes, and thankfully, humans and pets can reap its benefits.

At D.O.G., we make it our mission to offer products with a purpose to provide complete and natural nutrition backed by scientific research.  Case in point? The new line of pumpkin products I formulated to aid both dogs and cats.  These supplements go beyond the fiber and supporting microflora growth that pumpkin provides. These recipes also offer additional nutritious ingredients such as coconut, green-lipped mussels, cranberry, green tea, turmeric, and rosemary.

As always, if you have any questions for me, please click the ‘Ask Dr. Johnson’ button to submit them.  Hopefully, this article will help you look at pumpkin – not as an autumnal specialty – but as a year-round health benefit for you and your loved ones (the four-legged type too!)

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